Differences :Pituitary Tumours and other brain tumours !

A fundamental difference between a pituitary brain tumour and a tumour in other parts of the body is the effect it can have on the mind and interaction with other people. This is the MAIN issue Tumour patients have when TRYING to explain to others the impact on our lives ! I am mainly trying to explain about Pituitary Tumours - but - Im guessing this can also be attributed to other Brain Tumours. ( I am NOT medically trained and just go by experience ) Pituitary Brain tumours frequently lead to the loss of the characteristics and faculties that make us who we are as individuals: personality, memories, cognition and the ability to communicate with others. Yet Non Medical - AND THE MEDICAL PROFESSION think and indicate frequently - that 'it's in our heads !! - Well - YES ! - it is all in our heads !! You are right there !! BUT - It is NOT PUT ON - or over emphasised ! Brain tumours are the only type of tumour that directly impacts on personality, behaviour, cognition ...