GENERAL HEALTH SYMPTOMS OF A CUSHIE Can you keep up with the grandmas in your life? I can, I've got most if not all their symptoms of becoming older, and it's not cause I'm lazy or plain fat If you have a number of these symptoms: GET TO A DOCTOR AND DEMAND ENDOCRINE TESTING ... Cyclical Cushing's gives us "old people ailments" not normally seen in younger patients, such as : high blood pressure type 2 diabetes, high blood sugars or hypoglycemia, glucose intolerance osteoporosis or frequent bone breaks from little impact narrowing social life suppressed or weakened immune system, reoccurring infections kidney stones acid reflux blood clots that cause stroke, pulmonary embolism, or deep vein thrombosis urinating in the middle of the night loss of balance, frequent falls extreme fatigue poor memory slow word recall cataracts or glaucoma shingles bursitis ( another symptom of mine ...