Sanity, Mobility Scooters and other animals !

 OHHHHHH Hold your horses Gladys, she's blogging AGAIN.... 

Moon Light shining in through the black out curtains as I blink and suck on a humbug - wide awake, yawning and soooo in need of sleep, but once I have a bee in my bonnet ( which is a ridiculous thought as I'd not be caught anywhere near a bonnet - let alone a bee ) I just can't let it go ...


The Black & White, cat that us Gary - AKA -  Gary Cat, jumped from the wardrobe right onto my tummy, causing a massive ripple effect and exhale of air, he's then immediately upon my chest for a cuddle, omg, cats - you just can't say no !! 

He ( Aka aforementioned Gary Cat ) knows - he just knows !He's such a clever boy, and 'just a baby' ( he's actually 7 years old but the youngest of my two cats. ) He'll come plonk himself down and gently purr, he puts himself right near my lips so I can plant little kisses on his neck, thing is, I do this and he 'pads' - you know that 'thing' they do with their paws ! So by the morning I look like I've done 4 rounds with a velocoraptor !! 
By doing this, and wrestling over him, typing on my phone, makes blogging near on impossible,  ooooooooo this could take some time! I mean,  have YOU ever tried to shoo a cat off !!!!!!

If not one - it's TWO !!!!

But this vlog isn't about my nutty cats - although I could smooch n swoon over them all day! Let's get to business !! 

So the main reason for my insomnia today ... I've finally decided to bite the bullet (.. mmm there's another one, WHY would you bite a bullet ? 🤔 - is that really a thing ? ) 
Ive decided to STOP being so stubbon and become part of the Scooter Brigade ! Not your envisaged 'Mods n Rockers' trip down memory lane to Margate, singing in Chaz n Dave fashion about Grandad an 'is faaaaaaamily - on a Vespa - Scooter- but a Mobility Scooter, that HOPEFULLY I'd be able to vamp up, to look super hot and more 'me' rather than a dreary waiting for death wagon ( ohhh can I say that ? Yeahh cause I can im the Author ! - No snowflakes here! )

Because of my illnesses, I find ...... mmmmm everything really, a struggle ! Even lying here it sounds as though I'm on one of those dodgy 0800 calls and making £14 a minute telling guys what I'm wearing, what I'd like to do to them, while heavy breathing but in fictitious reality ( mmmmm Fictitious reality, niw that's a weird one, im sure you know what i mean, but it still makes no sense hey ), I'm sat knitting 😉 ! ....... oh No I dont knit ! Lmao ohh hang on, I don't do dodgy calls either, ( but, if it brings in a few Bob 🤣🤣 i may consider it ! )

I'm as stubbon as a mule, oooooooo I should say as Stubbon as a Caucasian Shepherd because that would tie in nicely,  THATS why I'm doing this, THATS why I have succumbed to my own particular demons, I have gone over 10 years depending on people, but, I want a Scooter so I can get back to feeling more 'me' it's been years since I've been able to just 'go out' - without asking othrs, let alone just pop out to walk the dog, AND WHAT A DOG SHE IS !!!! 
This is she aged 8 months by 
Reculver Towers in Herne Bay, Kent. 

Freya 'MadDog' we call her, because she is just that ! Soppy as a brush and Stubbon as a mule ! My girl Freya is a Caucasian Shepherd, a lesser known, but one of the oldest breed of dog there is, from the Caucasius mountains in Russia, They are bred to defend flocks, fight off bears and Wolves from attack and guard there Hooooman !. They are a giant breed, yet I've never met a Caucasian who isn't a soppy date 😉 with humans  - This goes for Freya ten fold - she LOVES people & animals - 

We got her as a rescue at 6months and have worked incredibly hard getting her well socialised and friendly ! She loves getting out and meeting new people,  and with a Mobile me !! - I'll be able to do just that ! I'd be in my element, Educating about the breed and my illness, motivating others to be independent  and hopefully I'd raise a smile or two and make some new friends along the way! 

OK, so because I'm holding onto so much sexiness in my body, ( No, its not fat, its shhhhhhhexyness! )  I have to get a certain type of Mobility Scooter ( what an awful name that is, I mean, I know - that's what it is - but it sounds so cold and medical - it needs a new name - liiiiiiiiiiike simply 'the wheels' brilliant !! Gives visions of wheelies and screeching round corners  - here comes 'Abby The Wheels & Freya 'maddog' ' See ' now THAT conjures up an image huh !..... ohhhhh maybe not the right type of image, that's more a Kray type vibe 🤣🤣 .. oh well, if im in a bad mood it might not be a bad thing to steer clear ! 

Anyway to cut to the chase and close this down so maybe I can get some shut eye before the Grest Tits wake ⏰️  ( Thats the bird, not the neighbour ! - ohhh thats vulgar - apologies ) - I'd LOVE if people could help me get my independence back and get me some 'wheels' !! 

I have a GoFundMe page -

Where you can keep up to date with my plight and if your able to, Share on your social network and possibly a donation would be amazing....

MANY THANKS for taking the time and effort to complete this warble and I hope your day is a good one 



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