The NEW Sea Street Dentist !


I have just been DRAGGED ( almost ) Kicking and Screaming down to Sea Street Dental Practise - After my MOTHER - ( im 42 years old !!!! ) MY MOTHER had made me a Emergency appt - I have been a 'patient' for over 30 years at the practice - Now - I heard Via HERNE BAY Chatter on Facebook - That Rob ( The dentist - yes - first name terms ! ) had retired - R.E.T.I.R.E.D ! ....................
I have Many and numerous issues with my teeth - ( more than the 'average 40 cough cough 2 year old ) all due to medical issues - some detailed later - ( so you can look forward to that !! )
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm -

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BUT THE PAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN !! ( Twas my own fault, the filling had fallen out more than 2 months ago - and i was too much of a wimp to go get it sorted - but - eventually - i had to stop the pain relief - and bite the bullet - or rather - i had to go because the paiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin - omg - the paiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin - ( and usually i'm not too bad with distress - and im defo not bothered by medical things,

it was seriously JUST discomfort that made me go ! )
I walk in - looking as though i'm sucking my thumb as that's the only way to stop the torture ( Nope that's NOT too harsh a word ! ) I was having to BITE on my thumb to try to ease it - Anyway -
Such a lovely dental receptionist - and has to be said far nicer and far more Genuine than others i had seen before - she was lovely = and if i needed to be calmed - SHE would have been the lady for the job - But - I was far too worried about my tooth, and worried about the fact that Being in 'THE CHAIR' again -

would make my head go all 'dodgy' -

Image result for pituitary tumours sufferer

Now - that last bit may have seemed a little odd too many - but - I have a couple of Tumours in my 'head - and the lil blighters cause HUGE ( hahaha - One of the main problems is my weight !! ) problems if i am at a certain angle ... or look one way / look the other / Basically - anything i can do - can make my head ' go funny ' .... When i say 'go funny' - I could - go into Tourettes mode - LOUDLY ! - I could 'look' as though i'm crying - ( but it is just built up pressure in my head making my eyes water ) - I could look as though i am getting aggressive - ( i'm not !!! ) I Stutter / Can Not find words / I Stop thinking / lose eyesight / start a head twitch / it brings on headaches like nothing ever known to man and the list is endless - TRULY - IT'S ENDLESS !
Now - these could last seconds - or mmmmm - quite a while -
Rob ( Keep up - ) The last dentist - had seen my 'episodes a few times - and had always been good and caring - but - Everyone who see's them are always a bit freaked - like - MAJORLY !!! ...

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Anyways - i had Mum in the waiting room - she was on standby !! - lol - nothing anyone can do - but - usually with her there - telling them there is nothing they can do - reassures THEM !! -
I'm actually fine with it all !!! Happens daily to me - so - i'm used to it !
OK - Not really digressing - but - A bit of background as too why i would not go before - and why i was as anxious as i was !! So - I WAS CALLED IN !!!! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
He turned around - Like something from a Movie (!) - no it wasnt in slow motion and no - he didnt shake his hair !!! -

but he shook my hand ! -

Image result for shaking hands

OMG - HE IS LOVELY - was the first thought - and maybe not what i should have thought of my medical practitioner - but - Mmmmmm - Good looking guy alert !! - Helloooooooooooooooo !!! ( Ohh please - All you women saying - ohh disgraceful - everyone thinks it - it's just that i say what i'm thinking - HONEST is ALWAYS the best policy ) - lol - THEN THE PAIN HIT AGAIN ! - and i came back to my senses !
I sat in the seat - JUST - OMG Another chair that is too small ( JUST ) for my gigantesque BOTTOM ! ( Issues here to with Thyroid and metabolism, so - NO - i can't JUST LOSE WEIGHT ! But- wow- a comfy chair - Nice - AND OMG - THEY HAVE CHANGED THE RIDICULAS PICTURE ON THE CEILING AT LAST - Now it's a WHERE'S WALLY -

But - well - HE WAS EVERYWHERE -

so i spent a while wondering what that was all about !!

Anyway - as you may have guessed by now - i could make this Blog last - ALOT - longer - BUT - well - It is JUST (!)

A visit to the dentist - so -

(1) pain
(2) look
(3) tap
(4) xray

Chat about what had happened to tooth - and with the use of Non patronising and very good Pictures, also passing comment that if i had come sooner - He could have saved the tooth and to this i was under no illusion - i'm sure he could save ANYTHING ( Stop woman Stop !! ) I bet he is fabulous with animals and little children too - and in fact -

What our patients think about us... ( A letter from a Mother )

Thank you for a lovely, relaxed, professional experience as always today. Hiten is fantastic with my two boys (2 and 4 years old) and my 2 year olds first ever visit to the dentist was a success thanks to Hiten and his dental nurse. Thank you!
    Image result for dentists

There you go - i told you !! 

OK - Usually it takes about 5 / 7 Inj to get my mouth Numb - 

( OHHH STOP BEING RUDE !! ) But - 2 - One at the front and one at the back - and even i think i was bloody amazing - i did not feel a thing  - ( Usually i do ! ) a few minutes later - after chatting - please excuse me - i have a rubbish memory too and can't remember what about - Teeth no doubt - I don't think we had an in depth discussion on ............ - Nope can't even think that !! - Anyways - He basically - injected me . pulled .. - kept asking if all was good - it was - then pulled again - and then - Ohhhhhhhhh Head funny - Could not even say that it was funny - But - he kinda knew - ( No - there was no bright lights or sweet music ) - 

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The Lovely Nurse gently touched my arm ( usually this would cause me to punch out - thank god i did not this time- lol - be a bit much that !! ) - Has  to be said - i have not mentioned the Nurse much - and she too was utterly Fantabulous - ( If you know me - you know,  that IS A WORD ) Professional - cheery - lovely and just so kind - anyways - They got me sitting upright - and just waited - I always feel so pathetic at this point - as i get a ridiculas stutter and head tilt / tick thing - and i get huge pressure in my head - but - i felt calm and relaxed - so - it did go rather quickly - They were fine - paid no attention and we carried on - I kept relaxed - and ok - i could feel pulling - but it was not uncomfortable = it did not hurt at all - and i was fine - he looked at me - IT'S OUT !!! - 
BLOODY HELL THAT WAS QUICK !! Seriously - Not a pain at all - and i actually feel the best i have in ages !!!! - Must be the pressure in my head - Anyways - said my Thank You's - did feel like giving him a THANK YOU hug - but maybe that was not the 'thing' to do to your new dentist !! - I was just so so thrilled that all had gone so smoothly ! - OHHHH I WAS ABLE TO HAVE MY TOOTH TOO - and they cleaned it for me - and put it in a little tooth fairy envelope - HOW COOL IS THAT ! - I was not allowed a sticker tho - Bit harsh that i thought ... 

I made an apt for FOUR MONTHS - as i seriously have NO ISSUES with going there - ( I would never make an appt before - and just go when i was in pain ) Was even able to walk to the car and not go giddy !! - Yeah - another side effect ! 

so a Fab Receptionist - A Fab Nurse and 


I cannot fault them - ANY OF THEM - 

and omg - if i could fault something - i would !! - 

Believe you me !! 


Agonize no further - you are in fact in better hands - 

This chap IS BRILLIANT & knows his stuff ... 


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