OK - as a back story - a very quick back story - 

When i did NOT have a Pituitary Brain Tumour - My drawings looked like the below - and i can be quite categorical - as NO-BODY ever used to get the answers correct when it was my turn at Pictionary ! 

Here we have the Royal Family - ( Yes - I knew - you knew - but i needed to put it - just in case ...  )

Image result for kids drawings

These are a few Farmyard Animals we saw when i was 32 .... YES - I LIKED TO DRAW WHAT WE SAW  !!! ( Ohhh i Rhymed !! - GO ME ! ) 
No - It does NOT look like anything rude - Behave ...

Image result for kids drawings

Mmmmmmmm - OK No Master Pieces there - although my rendition of a Turtle i thought was rather exceptional - but - OK - i wont digress !! 

NOW Since seeing my Psych last week ( He is the one who has FINALLY PUT ME ON MED'S FOR CYCLICAL CUSHING'S - and has stopped my other drugs for various other ailments such as Epilepsy and Schizophrenia - WHICH I DON'T AND NEVER HAVE HAD ! )  - 

Anyways - Right at the end of the Sesh - after I had 'jokingly' shouted at mother - I have been better HAVE I NOT  -  and we all laughed ( Well - as i remember - i laughed alot ! ) as BOTH mum and the consultant had jumped out there seats ! 

It was at the point where the consultant asked - Just before we left - if there was anything else we had to ask - or anything else we wanted to know - and Mother pipes up 

" Well - actually - and Abby would NOT want me to say anything - but i am going to anyway ....... 

Image result for OMG

" - at which point my heart ACTUALLY stopped beating - my brow became moist and my Buttocks started to contract rather quickly - 

omg - did i glare at her - " If she mentions my 'Very Embarrassing Abscess' in parts where NOTHING should be seen let alone discussed - I may very well rugby tackle her to the floor and hold her there in a head lock while the men in white coats come to her aid !! 
She looked at me and * im sure she smirked * .... carried on 

'Abby has got this new talent for painting ' - Oh Thank you Jesus, Mary and the Donkey - 
I near on let out the sound a donkey makes as he passes a field filled with other donkeys and wants to be let loose with them and have a frolic - But - thank the lord i did not - as - once again - that would have had the Psych worrying and calling for back up ! 

He sat forward - By 'He' I mean my Psych - He sat forward and clasped his hands together in a very ' Mmmm Interesting Missssster Bond ' way - Yes - I rather expect he did cross his legs ! - and I nearly expected a white fluffy cat to come and jump onto his lap 
and he to sit there 


stroke it as it purred !!

Image result for JAMES BOND CAT

Thank goodness it did not as i too would have wanted to play with the kitty and once again - This may have been frowned upon  !! 

But - He looked at Mother and said - "Mmmmmmm Tell me more" - ( I'm sure he never sounded like Sean Connery at this point - but maybe a tad Russian ?? ) 

He did NOT start tapping his fingers on the desk ... 

So Mother just told him from a very young age i had NOT been able to draw for love nor money ( Harsh i thought - THANKS MUM !! ) 

Image result for RUDE

But - since i had my Brain Tumours - I have been able to knock out - Masterpiece after Masterpiece ( BLESS HER - I THINK THERE MAY WELL BE SOME BIASNESS ( is Biasness a word ??? - well - it is now ! )  GOING ON THERE !! ) 

The Psych then said that he had heard of this before - and it was actually seen as a medical phenomenon - and well - I am a curiosity anyways - so a medical phenomenon too I can live with !!! 

Image result for I AM A  phenomenon

He told me that at the next appt i was to bring in some work and he would get a friend of his to take a look - as well as a NeuroPsychiatrist 

and - this is the good bit - If it was OK with me - he would want to write up a paper on me !!! 

( This is now the second paper written about me - as i was written about due to my Low Thyroid Count way back when I should have died !! It's all fun n games being a Medical Phenomenon ! ) 

Ohhh come on - Every time i say Phenomenon - Don't pretend you don't go into Muppet Mode and do the whole Do do do do do de do do do do do do do do do
Mahna Mahna
Do doo be-do-do
Mahna Mahna
Do do-do do
Mahna Mahna
Mahna Mahna
Do doo be-do-do
Mahna Mahna
Do do-do do
Mahna Mahna

Image result for MUPPET

ok ok - you have that in your head now - my job is done !! Your Welcome - 

Anyways - "acquired savant syndrome." as it is known - is - as already stated,  is very rare - * takes another bow * with 30 or so known REPORTED and STUDIED cases, ordinary people who suffer brain trauma of some kind, who suddenly develop almost-superhuman new abilities: artistic brilliance ( That one is me ! ) , mathematical mastery, photographic memory etc 

Now - OK - I know i am BRILLIANT - but - i am NOT super human - Not yet anyway !!! Well - I don't THINK I AM ????

The neurological causes of acquired savant syndrome are poorly understood. But the Internet has made it easier for people to connect with researchers who study savants, and improved brain-imaging techniques have enabled those scientists to begin to probe the unique neural mechanisms at work. 

Image result for BRAIN COGS

Some have even begun to design experiments that investigate an intriguing possibility: genius lies in all of us, just waiting to be unleashed, apparently in the brains of tumour savants and some autistic savants, the lack of inhibition in areas associated with creativity led to keen artistic expression and an almost compulsive urge to create - this is without any doubt - good or not - what i have - it's definitely a compulsion and at rapid speed !! 

This is what My Psych is going to try to investigate using my help - 

If - 

THEY think I am as good as MOTHER says i am !!! = 





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Image may contain: 1 person
Image may contain: 1 person


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