Its nearly Christmas and people have already started.... " ohhhhhh ill be putting on weight at Christmas 🎄  .. always do, all that lovely food everywhere " .... 

“Please don’t talk about diets (or carb counting, or food policing).”

“Please, Can we talk about something else?”

“I’m so sorry you feel that way about yourself.” ( I'd like to add in here " that's not how I see you " )

“I want to spend my time with you discussing more important things.” ( more important  .. meaning 'fun' ! )

“This topic is hard for a lot of people, so I try not to talk about it.”

“I don’t really want to hear everything you’re doing to avoid looking like me.” ( once again i'd add in " I think im lovely " ) 

“This isn’t an appropriate topic for the workplace.” (Or for dinnertime, or Christmas, or…)

“Food is such a joy! What’s your favorite thing to eat?” (When others express guilt around eating “bad” foods.)

“I’ve had problems with food in the past, I don’t really want to talk about diets.” Alternatively: “This can be a trigger for eating disorders.  I recommend we should talk about something else!”

“What’s wrong with being fat?”

“I’m not interested in having this conversation.”

“I don’t talk about diets or weight loss, Everyone is different and if we want to verbalise it,  definitely enroll in a class,  where everyone is happy to chat.”

“Life’s too short to get so anxious over a meal.”

“I support you, but I don’t need to hear about your diet.”

“I’ve been working really hard at accepting my body, and this feels like a setback. Let’s talk about something else.” THIS IS DEFINITELY A FAV OF MINE 

“How many diets have you been on? How many led to the long-term results you were hoping for? Maybe its time to Learn to accept who you are ? ”

“You are so much more interesting than this conversation. What have you been reading lately?”.

“I don’t make rules about food.”

“Diet talk reminds me of high school.”

“I don’t participate in food shaming.”

“No more diet talk.” (Repeat as necessary.)

Laugh as if they made a joke.

“I’m on a diet from diets.”

“If you think you’re too fat, wait til you see me!”

Start a diet talk jar — like a swear jar — so everyone puts in £1 for every time they express hatred of their own body or participate in diet talk.

Change the subject.

Walk away.

There are so many things that can be said to stop dieting conversation,  make sure you have at least one handy.... others maybe happy to body shame,  even themselves, but you don't have to  
Good luck and remember : be happy with who you are now and your smiles  will impact someone somewhere.... 
People don't really know your struggles though so be aware of that !!!! 

Diet chat us literally all around us.

Everyone talks freely about how much weight they feel they need to lose.


  1. However it goes, make sure you take a step back and remember, THEY ARE THE ONE WITH THE PROBLEM, YOU LOVE YOU, YOU ARE HAPPY WITH YOURSELF, THEY NEED TO GET TO WHERE YOU ARE, 
  2. So Smile, and say " Well, I think your beautiful " .....  


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